Should you choose to enable them through the Menu System, your maximum amount of weapons may be limited to carrying 15, 8, or one per category at a time. It is highly recommended to use the ironsights in the "Realistic" gamemode to maintain accuracy. Instead they will drift around your view as you look, similar to the system used in the realism-based shooter Red Orchestra. On the "Realistic" SMOD gamemode, your weapons are no longer "locked" to fire at the center of the screen. On higher SMOD difficulty levels Combine Soldiers can and will take advantage of this feature against you! The amount of penetration varies between weapons. When the SMOD Weapon/Movement Realism setting is set to "High", The shots fired from most high-powered weapons will go through thin walls and weaker materials like wood and cardboard.

It is recommended to shoot enemies in areas that their shields do not cover when possible. The shields absorb any damage from attacks that impact the shield until it breaks. On higher SMOD difficulty levels, the Combine will begin to equip riot shields to better defend themselves against attacks.